


/ 把人留住 教会变暖


崇拜与音乐部由11名部员、 10名教区崇拜与音乐执行会主席, 及10名教区长(按执部员)组成。 顾问则由华人年议会会长担任。

崇拜与音乐部为教会提供不同的崇拜礼仪, 例如: 不同的敬拜程序, 如立约主日、 棕枝主日、 主设立圣餐夜崇拜、 受难节、 复活节、 圣诞节等。 此外, 这个部门也为牧师及平信徒提供有关敬拜神学、 礼仪和教会音乐的神学的参考材料。

崇拜与音乐部为牧师传道、 崇拜服侍者及平信徒提供培训、 讲座和研讨会。 目的在于帮助教会提升崇拜聚会的质量, 更好地规划和设计他们的主日崇拜, 使人们在崇拜中经历和与神相遇, 从而实现生命的更新, 建立基督的门徒。 此外, 崇拜与音乐部也教导不同群体关于什么是敬拜, 帮助他们活出敬拜的生活方式。

Introduction of Board of Worship & Music:

Board of Worship & Music consists to 11 Board Members, 10 District Commission of Worship & Music Chairpersons, and 10 District Superintendents as Ex-Officio. The President of the Chinese Annual Conference serves as the Advisor to this Board.

The Board of Worship and Music provides different Worship Liturgy for churches, for instance: order of worship for different occasions, like Covenant Sunday, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Christmas Day, and many more. Besides, this board also serves to provide theological and Biblical materials regarding theology of worship, liturgy, and church music for pastors and lay people.

Board of Worship and Music also conducts training, seminars, and conferences for pastors, worship enablers, and lay people. This is to help churches in improving the quality of worship service and better in planning and designing their worship service, hence people can experience and encounter God in their worship. This will lead to transformation of lives and building up Christ’s disciples. Furthermore, this board also educate various groups of people understand what worship is, helping them to live out worshipful lifestyle.