


把人留住 教会变暖

Introduction of Board of Worship & Music

Board of Worship & Music consists to 11 Board Members, 10 District Commission of Worship & Music Chairpersons, and 10 District Superintendents as Ex-Officio. The President of the Chinese Annual Conference serves as the Advisor to this Board.

The Board of Worship and Music provides different Worship Liturgy for churches, for instance: order of worship for different occasions, like Covenant Sunday, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Christmas Day, and many more. Besides, this board also serves to provide theological and Biblical materials regarding theology of worship, liturgy, and church music for pastors and lay people.

Board of Worship and Music also conducts training, seminars, and conferences for pastors, worship enablers, and lay people. This is to help churches in improving the quality of worship service and better in planning and designing their worship service, hence people can experience and encounter God in their worship. This will lead to transformation of lives and building up Christ’s disciples. Furthermore, this board also educate various groups of people understand what worship is, helping them to live out worshipful lifestyle.



